- 創新開啟技術 Innovative design of unsealing solution
瓶蓋由三個部分組成 The cap consists of three parts
① 鋁制瓶蓋 Aluminum cap body
輕量環保 Lightweight & Environmental friendly
② 密封墊片 Sealing gasket
不含PVC PVC-free
③ 成型拉環 Forming pull ring
嵌入瓶蓋,輕松開啟 Embedded in the cap & Easy to unseal
- 創新墊片設計 Innovative design of sealing gasket
不同墊片粒料配方 滿足三種灌裝方式
The formulation of different gaskets to meet the three kinds of filling methods:
① 高溫后殺菌 Sterilizing by high temperature
適用于 咖啡及奶茶 Apply to coffee& Milk tea
② 熱灌裝 Hot filling
適用于 飲料 Apply to tea beverage
③ 常溫/低溫灌裝 Normal temperature / low temperature filling
適用于 啤酒及天然果汁 Apply to beer& natural juice